Rebecca Grabill

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Persepolis: Graphic Novel

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Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood crafted a moving introduction. The importance of keeping a family story alive. I wonder, though, if this story would have more power in a different format? The comic book (ok, graphic novel) form is so light-hearted; I wonder if it doesn’t mute the pain and importance too much? Does the form trivialize it, making the story feel slight and frivolous? I found myself ignoring the pictures and forming my own to connect to the ideas, people, stories. The form distracted me.

That aside, I did manage to overcome the form. The story is complex, philosophical, and funny. It did not feel like a children’s book—my 9yr old agreed—he swiped it one night and brought it back saying he “didn’t get it.” He loved American Born Chinese, so that’s just to say Persepolis is for a more mature audience. Like, nobody pisses on the fingers of God.

Ok, so I guess I got over the format. I found the sequel at the library and read that one too. I couldn’t help myself!

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