From Author Rebecca Grabill
This Joyful Mess
Halloween DIY: Globster Plush Stuffed Toy!
What, you may ask, is a Globster? Well, one might say it's a mythical sea monster, a relative of the classic horror beast, The Blob. Or, if you're familiar with the amazing picture book Halloween Good Night, you'll learn that a Globster is: epically cute, squishably cuddly, not the slightest big frightening, and every preschooler's new must-have bedtime friend!
Dum Dum DONE! My First Rug Hooking Project Finished At Last!
At long last the Rug That Would Never Be Finished is all grown up!
Another Upside to the iPhone 5: Cutest Purse-Bag-Diaper-Bag-All-In-One Ever
I needed a new bag with separate pockets for phone and keys so my keys don't, duh, scratch up my phone!
RTD: Rug To Date
An update on The Rug That Will Never Be Finished.
DIY Wool Cloth Diaper Soaker Cover With Floral Applique!
How to Sew a Wool Soaker!
Step 1: Collect 100% wool sweaters. Medium to heavy weight, any style or color. Thrift shops are fabulous for this. As is your closet - finally a way to use all those "thoughtful" wearable gifts from your mother-in-law!
Step 2: Felt the wool. It sounds fancy but is as easy as...
Dorky Postpartum Obsessiveness (I Made Wool Diaper Covers!)
How's that for a groovy title? Let's see how many Google search hits I get - thinking zero. Anyhow, there's something about maternal hormones, and being on maternity leave from writing, and being a wee little bit cheap, or um, frugal ... and maybe a bit touched in the head.
But I got in my craw that...
Long Lost Rug
When was the last time I took a photo of my rug-in-progress? Before the finger break, I think. Anyhow, here it is. I'm probably about one third of the way through. Far enough to realize I'll need a two-inch border to tie it all together.
Nesting Instincts Gone Awry: or How to Make Your Own Fitted Cloth Diapers
Six years ago when I was expecting Mud Pie, I was all out of nesting opportunities. We had a nursery (from Fish and St. Nick), diapers, clothes (we didn't know Pie would be a girl), car seats, dishes, toys, everything. So what did I do?
I tie-dyed all my prefold diapers. And a heap of onsies. And...
Devil in the Details: Sewing the Cutest Little Girl Dress
What is up with me? I hate sewing - loathe it - despise it. But here I am, sewing like I'm, uh, I don't even know. Martha Stewart (does she sew? Did they allow sewing machines in prison?).
Here's dress for Pie #2:
Funkify Your Wool: A Tutorial on Wool Dying for Rug Hooking or other Crafts
I'm easily bored so the excitement of that Great Goodwill Find of a Hideous Blazing Purple jacket soon wears off. I start to wonder what that purple would do to a light brown, or whether I need a hazy blue-white for snow or sky or what that Blue Blazer would do to white slacks, just because it might be cool and...
Hi, I’m Rebecca. I write books and I write here at This Joyful Mess to inspire everyone to find JOY in the everyday messes of life. Here you’ll find inspiration, educational resources, and so much more. Please explore and connect. I’d love to hear from you!