From Author Rebecca Grabill
This Joyful Mess

The Tenth Night of Halloween: Boggart Tales
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night.

The Ninth Night of Halloween: A Quick Bite About Vampires
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night.

The Eighth Night of Halloween: Do you Believe in Ghosts?
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night.

The Seventh Night of Halloween: Gobblin' Goblins
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Unlike a heap of creatures we've already looked at that date back to the earliest human records, goblins can be traced to European folklore beginning in the middle ages

The Sixth Night of Halloween: Witch Myth is Witch?
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Witches, like many Halloween creations, long predate Halloween itself. In fact, as long as there have been animistic cultures, there have likely been "witches" of one sort or another - women or men who have a deep connection with the spirit world. Witch myths abound across the globe, from Africa or China to Native Americans.

The Fifth Night of Halloween: Zombies!
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. The cultural origin of zombies may surprise you. While there's mention dead rising up to eat the living as far back as the Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2100 bc), stories much closer to our modern zombie emerged in Haiti during the 200+ year enslavement of Africans on the then-French-controlled island.

The Fourth Night of Halloween: The Mummy Legend Unwrapped
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Snuggly mummies? Maybe not snuggly, but mummies are nothing new. They've been around for more than two thousand years. But while the mummy (ceremonially preserved body) isn't new, the Legend of the Mummy is.

The Third Night of Halloween: How Cuddly is a Werewolf?
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Night three features the werewolf. The werewolf legend is considered one of the oldest of all monster myths. Apparently tales of humans who shape shift into wolf form (called lycanthropes, which is a cool little tidbit) go all the way back to ancient Rome.

The Second Night of Halloween: Feeling Impish?
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Night two features the trick-playing Wood Imp! The wood imp is thought to be a small (less than two feet) human-like creature, once a part of the fairy people. But unlike fairies or pixies, imps are usually not very attractive. Wood imps particularly prefer woodlands and often hide in dank, rotting vegetation which as you might expect isn't so good for the complexion.

The First Night of Halloween: What on Earth is a Globster?!
Welcome to the Ten Nights of Halloween! Each day I'll introduce you to one of the characters in my picture book, Halloween Good Night. Mythologically, the Globster is a creature imagined based on huge gelatinous masses that occasionally wash up on ocean shorelines across the globe. And here Globsters are like many other Halloween creatures: there's an element of history behind the myths.
Hi, I’m Rebecca. I write books and I write here at This Joyful Mess to inspire everyone to find JOY in the everyday messes of life. Here you’ll find inspiration, educational resources, and so much more. Please explore and connect. I’d love to hear from you!