From Author Rebecca Grabill
This Joyful Mess

Retell Little Red Riding Hood (aka Violet and the Woof)!
I’ve created a set of Violet and the Woof stick puppets—complete with a puppet stage. Print (card stock is best for this), cut, paste onto craft sticks to retell the story of Violet’s adventure again and again. And be happy knowing you’re helping develop the love of literature and early reading skills.

Free Violet and the Woof Picture Book Wallpapers!
Carry the new release, Violet and the Woof, with you everywhere with these adorable free wallpapers! Made for iPhone, iPad, and desktop/laptop, you can smile every time you unlock your device.

Free Printable Coloring Pages for Violet and the Woof!
I am so delighted to share coloring pages. Some were lovingly prepared by me, and some by the marvelous illustrator, Dasha Tolstikova who illustrated Violet and the Woof.

Adorable Halloween Good Night Wallpapers
Whether for cuteness or story, enjoy the free wallpapers I’ve created featuring some of Ella’s images. And while you’re at it, why not read the book!

Why Sequencing is So Important to Early Literacy Plus Free Printables!
Learn why sequencing is an essential skill for reading and literacy, and download free printables to practice using the picture book Violet and the Woof!

Everything You Need for a Full Week of Halloween Learning Fun!
Enjoy this FREE Halloween Unit Study. A full week of Halloween fun for PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, all centered on the book Halloween Good Night by Rebecca Grabill.

6 Adorable and Easy DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids
Find six of the absolute cutest and easiest DIY Halloween costumes for kids. All no-sew and take less than an hour to make. Plus they’re literary, based on the picture book, Halloween Good Night.

An Ordinary Extraordinary Book About Moths
I first "met" Karlin when she asked to do an author interview on the release of my first book, Halloween Good Night. Of course I had to follow suit (i.e., steal her excellent idea!) to celebrate the release of her second book, An Extraordinary Ordinary Moth.

Halloween Giggles: Free Printable Joke Cards for Your Next Halloween Party
Yes, I managed to collect the corniest yet entirely appropriate jokes available. I added them to my book release goodie bags, but I'm sure they'd go over with a groan at any Halloween occasion. And here they are for you! Forty jokes in total on five printable pages. Enjoy!

FREE Printable Finger Puppets for Halloween
Just in time for Halloween crafting fun, here are ten FREE finger puppets, printer-ready, just waiting for little fingers and the accompanying book, Halloween Good Night by Rebecca Grabill (me). In fact, there's the link to purchase (affiliate), or check it out from your library!
Hi, I’m Rebecca. I write books and I write here at This Joyful Mess to inspire everyone to find JOY in the everyday messes of life. Here you’ll find inspiration, educational resources, and so much more. Please explore and connect. I’d love to hear from you!