Hi, I’m Rebecca. I write books and I write here at This Joyful Mess to inspire everyone to find JOY in the everyday messes of life. Here you’ll find inspiration, educational resources, and so much more. Please explore and connect—I’d love to hear from you!

How Jonathan Merritt Ruined (and Saved) my Blogging Life
A Writer's Life Rebecca Grabill A Writer's Life Rebecca Grabill

How Jonathan Merritt Ruined (and Saved) my Blogging Life

For just under an hour I sat in the Calvin College Seminary chapel, captivated by quite possibly the most interesting (and energetic) person ever to be in Calvin College’s Seminary chapel. I took more notes at that session than all the others I attended combined. Good blog headlines? Blogging and social media? Blog-killing mistakes? I scribbled it all down. Like…

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Into The End of the Wild, a book by Nicole Helget
Reading List Rebecca Grabill Reading List Rebecca Grabill

Into The End of the Wild, a book by Nicole Helget

The End of the Wild is a sweet little story about fracking. No, not really. It’s about a little girl named Fern coming to term with her mother’s death. Well not really. It’s about what it takes to win the science fair (otherwise known as STEM fair). Except really it’s about a poor girl in a small Michigan town who has to decide between her rich grandpa and poor stepdad. Or maybe it’s about nature, preserving the woods or friendship, or dogs...

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