Shingles and Corners and Chimneys, oh my!
On to the next step in building the Victoria's Farmhouse: pre-assembly. Like staining shingles and finally, finally getting out the bottle of glue.
First: I bought shingle dye from Hobby Lobby (they always have a 40% off coupon, fyi). And the instruction booklet had some involved shingle-dying trick involving a milk carton cut in half. It looked truly absurdly over-complicated and messy. The sort of technique a male would use because it involves tools and funnels and, well, over complicating something that should be simple. So I ignored the instructions. I did, however, use the rubber glove that came with the dye. Very glad for that glove.

Primary step involved mixing up the dye with two cups water. I used an old litter pan that I also use for lanolizing wool, soaking stained clothes, etc.

Then Pie and I sprinkled the shingles in one handful at a time. After a good layer was in the dye, I shook them around then moved them off to the side. For the final few handfuls I had to hold the pan at an angle. The shingles soak up a lot of dye.

Finally, I swished them around quite a lot.

Then I spread handful after handful on a sheet of plastic. I didn't worry about separating clumps.

By morning they were mostly dry. I shuffled them around a bit and by evening they seemed dry. I let them sit another night just to be sure. Then into a gallon Ziplock they went. All done, no mess, no weird milk jug contraptions, easy peasy.

Shingles, check! But a certain Rowdy toddler is driving me to distraction so sharing progress on stairs and such will have to wait.
Speaking of Rowdy... Here she is.

Another year, another huge leap forward on Victoria's Dollhouse! Um. Not really. Maggie and I joke that since the box said, "Ages 13 and up" we shouldn't finish it until she's thirteen. She's eleven. We're right on track!