From Author Rebecca Grabill

This Joyful Mess

19 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Ignite Your Creativity
Printables & More, Everyday Joy, Workshop Rebecca Grabill Printables & More, Everyday Joy, Workshop Rebecca Grabill

19 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Ignite Your Creativity

Here you’ll find my TOP FIVE easy ways to set your creativity ABLAZE. These ideas can be used by anyone—even if you (mistakenly) think you’re not creative. We’re all creative. It’s part of what it means to be human, but we each express our creativity in our own uniquely wonderful ways. Download the full list to find out more!

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How (not) to Write a Boring Book
Workshop Rebecca Grabill Workshop Rebecca Grabill

How (not) to Write a Boring Book

I first started thinking about tension when I heard Donald Maass speak at a conference some years ago. He described how the simple scene of a man looking at his watch while waiting for a bus can go from bland to Bang in a matter of words. Since then I have often noticed the varying levels of tension, both in books I have enjoyed and in those I haven’t. Here I'll discuss the ten levels of tension, and what they mean to the writer.

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13 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Writers
Workshop Rebecca Grabill Workshop Rebecca Grabill

13 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Writers

13 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Writers. Writing has changed since the days of typewriter and correction fluid (remember the little bottle of white-out with the brush, remember how strong it smelled, how fast it dried, how fun it was?). Pen and paper have been replaced in many fields by smartphones, mobile devices and laptops. But until recently it never occurred to me that more than just writing could be aided by technology.

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On Punctuating Dialog ...
Workshop Rebecca Grabill Workshop Rebecca Grabill

On Punctuating Dialog ...

It’s a common confusion – how on earth do I punctuate dialog? Punctuating dialog is the same as punctuating any sentence, isn't it? You put the end punctuation at the end of a sentence? Except with dialog, even if it’s not the end of a sentence, you still might put in end punctuation, but then you need more end punctuation, and ... it’s a confusing mess. The key is this...

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Hi, I’m Rebecca. I write books and I write here at This Joyful Mess to inspire everyone to find JOY in the everyday messes of life. Here you’ll find inspiration, educational resources, and so much more. Please explore and connect. I’d love to hear from you!